Wolfman’s Canines Policies

**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: If you have any questions, please let us know in advance of your appointment time. By attending any and all training sessions or programs, you are agreeing to the terms of the document below**

These guidelines are designed with client and dog safety in mind, and when followed create a cooperative and cohesive training and boarding experience through which students and dogs can most effectively and safely learn. If you would like a printed PDF copy for your records, please send your request to admin@wolfmanscanines.com.


  • All training recommendations from an EVALUATION expire after 30 days due to an increased chance of behavioral changes.

  • Dogs not enrolled in training are not permitted to attend any (1-1) sessions or pick up or drop off for boarding purposes. Please leave all other pets at home.

  • When on-site or present for training, dogs must remain on leash at all times unless clients are otherwise instructed.

  • Sick or contagious dogs are not permitted on-site or to attend any training sessions. Females in season must be diapered (or come with one) and the instructor notified in advance. Unneutered males who mark, must wear a belly band (or come with one) and the instructor notified in advance as well. 

  • All behavioral concerns must be disclosed verbally or in writing via text/email prior to commencement of any and all training programs. The pre-boarding questionnaire must be submitted in the manner requested and prior to any programs that involve on-site boarding.

  • All vaccinations must be up to date according to your veterinarian’s recommendations. Your dog’s most current health records must be submitted to WOLFMAN’S CANINES via email: admin@wolfmanscanines.com prior to commencement of any and all training programs. Records of any recent surgeries, injuries or health conditions need to be included as well.

    • REQUIRED VACCINES: All dogs who participate in a training program must be up-to-date on rabies, bordetella, DA2PP (or similar), and leptospirosis. 

  • All dogs who board on-site are required to have an EMERGENCY CONTACT. By signing this contract, I am verifying that I have notified my dog’s EMERGENCY CONTACT of my dog’s boarding details and they have been made aware they may be contacted for an EMERGENCY pick-up or drop-off, in the case I am not available.

  • No children under the age of 18 are allowed to attend training sessions for liability purposes, as they will not be covered under our insurance policy.

  • WOLFMAN’S CANINES requires owners to be compliant with safety protocols that may include but are not limited to: muzzling, leashing, restricting access to other people, and use of equipment such as a harness or a crate. Dismissal of a client due to refusal to follow safety protocols does not create an exception to our refund policy.


  • I understand that 1-on-1 training sessions are designed to be follow-up refresher sessions or used before a Board & Train or other Hybrid programs.

  • I agree to schedule any and all 1-1 REFRESHER SESSIONS that are a part of my dog’s training program (# indicated via onboarding email & reminder text)- 1x/WEEK until completion. **ALL FREE 1-1 REFRESHER SESSIONS INCLUDED IN B&T PACKAGES WILL EXPIRE 1x MONTH POST B&T PICK-UP DATE**

  • I understand that in order to take advantage of the REFRESHER SESSIONS included in my program, it is REQUIRED that I create my own login with the DUNBAR ACADEMY (instructions on how to sign up are located HERE!) in order to be able to access the at-home exercises and resources assigned to you before, during & after your 1-on-1 sessions with your trainer. Please have this completed prior to your appointment time, or else you may be asked to reschedule.

  • I agree and understand that WOLFMAN’S CANINES programs include ongoing client education & refresher training sessions. I understand that these lessons and learning materials are crucial to the continuation of my dog's training.

  • I agree and understand the need to remain consistent with the instructions and at home exercises I am given by my trainer including the training methods and equipment. 

  • I agree and understand that dogs are living, breathing creatures that require time to learn and change behavior. I understand that WOLFMAN’S CANINES does not guarantee their training, but the trainers are available by phone or email to help me through any issues or concerns I encounter. 



Trainer's office hours: Tuesdays/Thursdays: 9am-12pm. Clients can expect to receive responses to training questions as well as 2x OFFICIAL UPDATES on the progress of their pup during the following times.


  • 1x—> Monday or Tuesday (text)- Texts to owners earlier in the week will include an update on the dog's well-being along with any answers to questions that have come up.

  • 2x—> Friday or Saturday (email)- At the end of the week, owners can expect a longer report card sent via email that will include what was addressed during training through throughout the week, what their dog needs to still improve on, as well as correlating homework assignments & resources to apply when their dog returns home. 

  • Pictures & videos will be uploaded to a unique Google Photos folder

    **A link via email will be sent out within 24 hours of drop-off with a “first night update” (you can follow us on Instagram as well!)**


  • General questions on policies, payment arrangements or paperwork will be answered by admin Monday-Saturday: 9am-12pm.  **This does not apply to any emergency requests or situations which will be handled ASAP**


Wolfman’s Canines REQUIRES all dogs to be able to be crated or left alone in a larger dog run (or long term confinement area) for an average of 2-4 hours during the day & 8-10 hours overnight. While we do offer crate training on-site during board and train programs, this is only if our trainer is notified in advance during the consultation call and/or evaluation. All programs and packages that include crate training will need to be done through the combined efforts of both the trainer and owner (at home in-between sessions or before drop-off for a board & train). 

If for any reason, my dog is unable to be safely and humanely left alone, I understand that I may not be eligible for any on-site boarding services until my dog is crate trained to the satisfaction of the trainer. If a dog, during a boarding program is deemed unfit to be safely crated at any point, Wolfman's Canines reserves the right to return the dog to the owner or provided EMERGENCY CONTACT. The remaining balance of the initial B&T program will then be applied to a more appropriate hybrid program that includes the aforementioned crate training through at-home exercises. 


We understand emergencies happen and because of this, clients will be given a single emergency pass. Day of rescheduling requests will be considered an emergency and any more than one will result in a forfeiture of that session. After an emergency pass has been used, cancellations or rescheduling requests that are made less than 48 hours prior to the appointment time, will be considered forfeited. Wolfman's Canines reserves the right to reschedule any session or appointment, as a result of the unpredictable nature of animal handling & care, but will work around the client's schedule to set a new date and/or time. All fees outlined in client’s designated onboarding email are due in full prior to the commencement of any and all training programs unless otherwise arranged with Wolfman’s Canines. TRAINING SESSIONS & PACKAGES WILL NOT BE PUT ON THE SCHEDULE OR CONSIDERED CONFIRMED UNTIL A PAYMENT OR PAYMENT ARRANGEMENT HAS BEEN MADE. Training availability fills up quickly. Cancellations or rescheduling requests (barring emergencies) that are made less than 48 hours prior to the appointment time, will not be refunded and will be considered forfeited. Cancellations due to emergencies will be reviewed on a case by case basis.   


We currently do not offer monetary refunds at Wolfman’s Canines for training that has been completed or is already scheduled and paid for. Our dog training programs form a partnership between our clients, their dog, and our dog trainer. The success of our programs depend on us performing our job to the fullest extent we are capable of, as well as on the owner following up on the homework and guidelines that we lay out for them for the duration of their dog’s participation in training at Wolfman’s Canines. Instead of offering a monetary refund, we offer a LIFETIME GUARANTEE. This means that we will continue to work with owners who are working hard and following our recommendations for as long as it takes. In this way, those owners who are genuinely invested in their dog’s training and well-being are assured that they will get everything they need out of our programs. Refunds may be warranted due to an emergency situation, but will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

By attending any training sessions or appointments at Wolfman’s Canines, you are agreeing to the terms of this contract.

**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: If you have any questions, please let us know in advance of your appointment time. By attending any and all training sessions or programs, you are agreeing to the terms of the document above**