Trainer/Behaviorist: Walter Mott
Contact Info: training@wolfmanscanines.com
Office Hours: Tuesdays & Fridays: 12pm-5pm
This is our OWNER TRAINING GUIDE! It is intended to serve as a generalized guide for how we will go about behavior modification with dogs who are under-socialized, dog-dog reactive, dog-people reactive, and other behavioral issues that may be encompassed by this specialized program.
We understand each dog is an individual and for this reason, each dog learns at a different pace. A rigorous schedule of daily interaction facilitates your dog’s motivation and learning process, and when combined with our professional dog trainer’s ability to listen to what you and your dog’s needs are, this is how a solid foundation is built. At Wolfman’s Canines, we choose the best methods for each dog in order to achieve a basic understanding of the principles of desired dog behaviors. Our lead canine behaviorist, Walter, will apply these basic principles of dog behavior and psychology through relationship centered, science backed methods each day your dog is in his care. Wolfman’s Canines is under the direction of Walter Mott, Co-Founder, Professional Dog Trainer, AKC Certified Evaluator, SIRIUS Dog Trainer Accredited, Dunbar Academy Educated. While his wife, Hannah Lairmore is also a Co-Founder & Administrative and Communications Director (and the one you will communicate with during onboarding and for scheduling). Our training and behavior modification-based objectives are imparted on your dog at an accelerated rate when they are in a Board & Train program due to the daily, intensive training that is received.
Board and Train programs at Wolfman’s Canines aren’t just for dogs with behavioral issues! Many dogs and puppies who attend our Board and Train programs use it as a substitute for traditional puppy classes or just to establish a more solid foundation of basic obedience that sets them up for future success. This is especially true for families who desire a well-behaved dog that can accompany them during off-leash activities such as hiking, bike riding, camping, family BBQs and more!
Each dog begins by learning (either from “scratch” or as a thorough review) foundational good behavior principles. Then, through repetitions in different high-distraction environments, the goal is for your dog to gain the ability to generalize a variety of training concepts. The end result is that your dog is attentive to you, no matter the environment, and has the ability to navigate most all situations with ease and confidence. At Wolfman’s Canines, your dog will be shown a new way of life through the process described above, also known as CLASSICAL CONDITIONING. Classical conditioning is a learning process that creates a conditioned response through associations between an unconditioned stimulus and a neutral stimulus in their environment. We will create positive associations where negative triggers once existed, in order to create pathways for operant conditioning to start taking shape. Through OPERANT CONDITIONING, an association is made between a behavior and a consequence (whether negative or positive) for that behavior. Our consequences are simple redirections either by leash redirection or lure away from the unwanted behaviors. By redirecting that energy, we can harness it into a wanted behavior, such as an automatic sit when you come home or completely ignoring the barking dog across the street. Turning a negative reaction into a neutral or positive response is what we are after!
Another factor that adds to the success of every training program we offer is the way they are custom tailored to your specific dog’s needs. The result of this individualization is that you gain the ability to maintain a calm sense of control of your dog in your everyday environment, even under the most distracting of circumstances. Of course, the longer period of time that your dog participates in our program, learning from a professional dog trainer, the more time positive behaviors are reinforced in high-distraction situations, and the more solidified his or her obedience will be. The stronger the dog training foundation is that is set, the easier it is for you to sustain the desired behaviors in the long run. At Wolfman’s Canines we are more interested in long term behavioral change and adaptations and less on short term, “easy fixes.” Our methods and techniques are always evidence and experience based.
Most people enjoy taking their dogs for walks, to the park, and on other adventures. After all, canines are considered ‘man’s best friend,’ so it is natural to share companionship. However, socializing dogs is imperative to make them good canine citizens that you can easily take in public. The end result of consistent and positive dog-on-dog socialization is that your dog will learn or enhance their ability to navigate most all public spaces with ease and confidence. Whether you desire “loose-leash” walking, better manners, increased socialization, advanced “off-leash” walking and obedience, or want to address specific behavioral issues such as dog aggression, separation anxiety or excessive barking, our experienced & professional dog trainer will work with you and your dog to reach your goals. Your dog will also regularly participate in our supervised play groups. This supervised socialization will ultimately play a pivotal role in creating opportunities for dog-on-dog training as well as a regular exercise outlet. Your dog will be consistently trained and tested under real-life dog-to-dog and dog-to-people scenarios so that he or she knows how to behave and can be controlled in any stimulating environment, even with a wide variety of distractions.
What makes Wolfman’s Canines unique is our pack of 6 dogs (THEWOLFPACK) that will be involved in your dog’s transformation process through structured socialization and dog-on-dog enrichment activities. We have a pack member for every personality type, age, and energy level!
We only have one expectation, and it is that you will put the same, if not more energy into the success of your dog than we do. With that being said, every dog will have individualized goals for their specific needs. These goals and targeted behaviors will be outlined in detail between you and the trainer prior to the start of your program. Although two dogs may have similar issues, their course of treatment might be significantly different. Our goal is to help facilitate a major quality of life improvement for both dogs and their owners.
We will go about this by always working at the speed of which the dog can handle. We never ask for more than we can replenish. We recharge the dogs with lots of positive reinforcement, stimulating socialization play sessions, and of course treats! We will start in the kiddie section of the pool with lots of floats and slowly work our way into the deep end.
If your dog is not crate trained, additional training sessions may be required before they are eligible for a Board & Train option.
Below is a basic representation of what each week of this Board & Train program will entail, and the week will vary. Although each dog is unique in its needs and abilities, the skills they learn will all be the same. How we get there will be as unique as the dog, and we only move at the speed at which the dog can handle. We NEVER put your dog in situations they’re not prepared for and never ask for more than we replenish.
Week 1
Decompression & Trust Building
Week 2
Intro to Basics (Low Distractions)
Week 3
Basic’s Cont. (Med to High Distractions)
Week 4
Basic’s Cont. (High Distractions) & Intro to Advanced Skills
7-8AM: Let out for first bathroom break + free time to explore
**Kong Feeding- put back in crate/kennel with (1st) Kong(s) full of food
12-1PM: 1st Training Session of the day
3-4PM: 2nd Training Session and/or Structured Socialization with WC pack members, daycare dogs and/or other B&T dogs (depending on temperament & concentration levels that day etc)
6-7PM: Let out for bathroom break + free time to explore
**Kong Feeding- put back in crate/kennel with (2nd) Kong(s) full of food
9-10PM: Let out for final bathroom break + free time to explore
**Put back in crate/kennel for the night
Basic Manners & Obedience
Sit, Stand, & Down
Take it/Leave it
Loose leash walking
Recall* (Level of distraction proofing varies by dog)
TRAINER’S OFFICE HOURS (client communication):
You can expect to receive responses to training questions, as well as any additional at-home exercises or resources the trainer may see fit during these times.
Tuesdays (text updates)- this will include a simple update on your dog's well-being along with any answers to questions you may have had previously.
Saturdays (report cards)- you can expect a longer report card sent via email that will include what was worked on in training through the week, what your dog needs to still improve on, pictures & videos as well as correlating homework assignments.
Daily (or every other day)- you will receive a Google Photos text link after drop-off (with a ‘first night’ update)- where you can view transformational photos & videos during your dog’s stay at Wolfman’s Canines! We also regularly post progress photos and instructional videos to Instagram- you follow us by clicking HERE!
General questions on policies, payment arrangements or paperwork will be answered by admin Monday-Saturday: 9am-12pm. **This does not apply to any emergency requests or situations which will be handled asap**
Every dog owner can be a dog trainer!!
Homework will be assigned both pre & post board & train. This is to ensure the highest level of success possible with the new set of life skills we help teach your pup! PRE-BOARDING HOMEWORK is for you and your companion to build a general understanding of the training methods and concepts that will be used while training takes place. This is the time to buy the recommended tools and get you and your companion familiarized with them. It is best to sign up for the DUNBAR ACADEMY prior to boarding your dog so you can become familiar with the methods and terms that will be used during your dog’s training. Included in your discharge summary is your POST-BOARDING HOMEWORK, that will consist of guides and recommendations from our trainer on what to work more on.
In order to take advantage of the REFRESHER SESSIONS included in your program, it is REQUIRED that you create your own login with the DUNBAR ACADEMY (instructions on how to sign up are below) in order to be able to access the at-home exercises and resources assigned to you before, during & after your 1-on-1 sessions with your trainer. Please have this completed prior to your appointment time, or else you may be asked to reschedule. **ALL REFRESHER SESSIONS WILL EXPIRE 1x MONTH POST B&T PICK-UP DATE**
You only need to spend 15- 30 minutes daily to achieve & sustain progress in training!!
These required texts are full of pertinent information regarding the development of your dog. Click the links below to access each text.
Dunbar Academy Behavior Problems Course – Free online course for you to enroll in before your training program begins. **Just input your name + email, create a password and then you have access to this FREE COURSE.**
This link will take you to the free downloads section of Dog Star Daily. Please go to the Downloadable Articles and Behavior Blueprints and see if any of these materials hold any relevance to your training needs!
For all Wolfman’s Canines clients, we offer a month FREE trial of the Dunbar Academy. This is to help strengthen your understanding of the methods used and how to better communicate with your pup before, during and after their training program has been completed.
1. Click this link, it will navigate you to "The Dop Dog Academy" page with a green banner on the top saying "100% off the first payment of $20"
2. Click the blue "Subscribe Now" button.
3. Input your relevant credit or debit card information and click "Complete Purchase".
--->>> Like all free trials, a credit or debit card on file is required. There is no penalty, however, to cancel after the first free month. I recommend clients put a notice or alert in their calendar to remind them to cancel after 1 month if they wish to do so. And so with this, you will have access to ALL courses for FREE for this first month.
4. Enjoy your FREE month trial!
With all Board & Train programs, Wolfman’s Canines offers free follow up 1-on-1 REFRESHER SESSIONS (45 minutes long). These refresher sessions are required to be scheduled and used within 4 weeks of the board & train pick up date. This time constraint exists to maintain the continuity of training techniques and to mitigate behavioral regression. These 1-on-1 follow up sessions are crucial to the long term success of your dog's behavioral changes and ongoing improvements!
In addition, as a WOLFPACK MEMBER (all programs included), you are eligible for a LIFETIME REFRESHER SESSION - one time a year for the life of your dog! You can schedule this at any point in time by visiting our scheduling page from our website or by clicking the following link—> SCHEDULE ONLINE. We offer this follow up training as we are big purveyors of making sure there is a long-term return on investment for everyone involved!
Dog Food (for the #/wk boarding + plus 1x extra week)
1x Medium Bag of Treats (high reward)
Mandatory Medication (flea/tick meds will not be administered)
Collar w/ Dog Name + Owner Information
Kongs (size dependent on dog)
1x 6ft Leash (non-retractable)
Slip Lead (loose leash)
30’ Long leash (recall)
1x Bowl for Food
1x Bedding/Pad or Blanket
Tug toys (play breaks)
Crate + Kennel (size dependent on dog & stress reduction measures needed)