**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: If you have any questions, please let us know in advance of your appointment time. By attending any and all training sessions or programs, you are agreeing to the terms of the document below**

If you would like a printed PDF copy for your records, please send your request to admin@wolfmanscanines.com.

I, as the reader of this document (hereby referred to as the “CLIENT”), have enrolled myself and my dog in dog training classes, a board & train program, training evaluations, socialization daycare or other related activities, hereinafter referred to as (hereby referred to as the TRAINING) offered by Wolfman’s Canines LLC. By reviewing this document and attending any event or program at Wolfman’s Canines LLC, I confirm my comprehension and compliance of the following.  I certify that I have been informed and understand that there is always some unavoidable risk of injury or incident involved when working with animals, especially animals with behavioral issues. I acknowledge that a dog can be inherently difficult to control resulting in the possibility of injury to myself, my dog, or third parties. Additionally, I have had full opportunity to discuss all concerns I have about the foregoing risks with Wolfman’s Canines LLC and its authorized representatives. I have also made inquiries and investigations to my satisfaction related to such risks, including, but not limited to, an examination of the training method, safety protocols and location. 

I hereby accept and assume, without reservation, all risks associated with my participation in the TRAINING, including, but not limited to: the risks of any and all injuries to myself, my dog or third parties who may be in attendance; the risks that my dog may cause injury to other persons, the trainer on site and/or other dogs involved in the TRAINING. 

I, the CLIENT, further acknowledge that any refusal to follow safety protocols set forth by the TRAINER, will only increase the risk of  incident or injury that may occur during the TRAINING incurred by the CLIENT, the TRAINER and third parties as a result of my dog. I, the CLIENT agree to be held liable for any and all expenses (including hospital bills, vet fees, attorney’s fees & court costs) incurred by the CLIENT, the TRAINER and third parties, arising from any and all incidents that occur during the TRAINING as a result of my dog. 

I, the CLIENT, acknowledge there are inherent risks of injury and incident with behavior modification in animals. As a result, I, the CLIENT agree and understand the need to remain consistent with all instructions I am given by my TRAINER including but not limited to, training methods and equipment use, in order to mitigate any risk of injury or incident. I understand that Wolfman’s Canines LLC requires all CLIENTS and TRAINERS to be compliant to safety protocols that may include but are not limited to, muzzling, leashing, restricting a dog’s access to other people or dogs, and use of equipment such as a harness or a crate during TRAINING. I, the CLIENT, also understand that dangerous dogs, or dogs with a bite history will not be allowed to have contact with Wolfman’s Canines LLC’s dogs on-site, any third parties nor other client’s dogs.

As lawful consideration for participating in any and all TRAINING at Wolfman’s Canines LLC, I, for myself, executors, administrators, legal representatives (collectively, the CLIENT), hereby waive, release, and agree not to sue and hold harmless Wolfman’s Canines LLC and its owners, managers, agents, and employees (collectively, the TRAINER) from any and all injuries, losses, claims and damages to any person or persons of any nature whatsoever accrued during TRAINING. 


I hereby consent to my dog being the subject of the photographs and/or audiovisual recording and authorize Wolfman’s Canines LLC to cause the same to be exhibited for educational or promotional purposes either on the internet or otherwise as still photographs, video or other similar media for the purposes of training and or education. 

If there is any dispute or claim relating to the matters covered by this document or the TRAINING, the parties agree to submit such a dispute to binding arbitration in accordance with Ohio State Arbitration Laws. The prevailing party shall be entitled to legal fees and costs in any such proceeding. 

This WAIVER OF LIABILITY & MEDIA RELEASE shall be legally binding between the CLIENT and the TRAINER. By attending any training session or evaluation, the CLIENT is agreeing to the conditions laid out in the above contract and has had a chance to express any and all concerns either verbally or in written form with the TRAINER. No waiver or modification of any provision herein shall be valid unless expressly agreed to in writing by both the CLIENT and Wolfman’s Canines LLC.

**IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: If you have any questions, please let us know in advance of your appointment time. By attending any and all training sessions or programs, you are agreeing to the terms of the document above**